KYSO™ Pre-workout Supplement

Stephen Cherniske is an international expert in sports nutrition. He served on the faculty of the American College of Sports Medicine and helped in the training of US Olympic Track & Field athletes, as well as world record-holders in triathlon, mountaineering and martial arts. He formulated KYSO (Knock Your Socks Off) to safely and effectively improve oxygen delivery to working muscles, resulting in improvements in endurance, strength and recovery. 

Most athletes have heard about Citrulline Malate. In 2010, a human clinical trial was published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, demonstrating enhanced performance and decreased muscle soreness compared to placebo.[1] 

More recently, athletes taking citrulline malate during four weeks of intense training were shown to have lower post-exercise lactate levels compared to placebo. The authors conclude, “we can say that Citrulline/Malate supplementation contributed positively to the performance of athletes and may help postpone fatigue at excessive or prolonged activity.”[2]

Other studies, however (with elite cyclists and weight lifters) failed to show consistent benefits.  [3] [4]  We therefore looked to find synergistic ingredients to optimize the stamina and recovery benefits of Citrulline malate. Research with Beta Alanine, another amino acid, looked promising. Beta alanine was shown to enhance strength and stamina in human clinical trials. When ingested, most beta alanine is metabolized to carnosine, a compound that acts as an acid buffer in the body.  This reduces muscle fatigue during exercise and speeds recovery after strenuous exercise. [5,6,7,8,9]

Beta alanine is also a potent metabolic modifier.  See The Metabolic Makeover, by Stephen Cherniske and Dr. Natalie Kather, MD page 169-170.

The third synergy ingredient in KYSO Sport is M/D Inositol Nicotinate. Inositol, sometimes called vitamin B8, is a simple carbohydrate with several important functions. Inositol works with insulin to maintain blood sugar balance, and interacts with a number of neurotransmitters in the brain. For the KYSO Sport formulation, we were looking for an ingredient that would help with focus, mood and energy. And our research group was able to create a truly unique and powerful compound.

Inositol is found in two forms; myo-inositol and D-chiro inositol. Each have health benefits, but the combination appears to work better than either form by itself. We experimented with various ratios and found what we believe is the optimal formula. Then we were able to react this material with niacin (vitamin B3) to form M/D Inositol Nicotinate.  Altea Health Sciences now has a patent pending on this compound, trade named MDIN. [12,13,14]

The graphic below shows the wide range of benefits obtained with supplemental inositol.  

Use instructions

1. Start with 2 level scoops in a glass of water or your favorite beverage. If you don’t get “the tingles,” increase the next day to 2 rounded scoops. So far, only one athlete has needed more than 2 heaping scoops (8g) and he was 280 pounds. 

2. “The tingles.” This is a harmless (actually beneficial) temporary sensation on the skin (back of hands, face) about 20 minutes after drinking KYSO, that tells you the product is improving circulation. With consistent use, this will occur less often. 

3. If you have a pulse oximeter, please take a reading before KYSO and about 20 minutes after (see photos at Look for increased O2 saturation and decreased heart rate. Athletes usually post O2 levels close to 98%, but even a slight increase with a slightly lower HR indicates greater oxygen delivered to your cells with less effort. This translates to better workouts and faster recovery. 

4. Track other exercise metrics; any exercise that you perform on a regular basis that will demonstrate improvement. 

“As a Broadway Jazz and tap dancer, my health is of paramount importance.  I’ve been enjoying the benefits of the MY2048 team and the Healthy Skeptics since 2016. Having used KYSO now, while training at the Broadway Dance Center in NYC, I am enjoying the calmest and most powerful training sessions I have ever experienced.  There’s a whole other gear available to me. I highly recommend KYSO  for anyone looking for more energy and peak performance.”

Pennie Diamond Quintana



*  No banned ingredients for sports competition

*  Non-GMO, gluten-free

* No excipients, binders, sweeteners, flavors or preservatives

* Vegan-friendly

* A breakthrough key ingredient, making this product unique and patent protected 


[1] J Strength Cond Res. 2010 May;24(5):1215-22.  Citrulline malate enhances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle soreness.  Pérez-Guisado J1, Jakeman PM.

[2] Biochem Genet. 2017 Dec;55(5-6):387-394.  The Effect of Citrulline/Malate on Blood Lactate Levels in Intensive Exercise.  Kiyici F, Eroğlu H, Kishali NF, Burmaoglu G.

[3] J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Sep;30(9):2638-47.  Acute Citrulline-Malate Supplementation and High-Intensity Cycling Performance. Cunniffe B, Papageorgiou M, OʼBrien B, Davies NA, Grimble GK, Cardinale M.

[4] J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Nov;32(11):3088-3094.  Acute Effect of Citrulline Malate Supplementation on Upper-Body Resistance Exercise Performance in Recreationally Resistance-Trained Men. Gonzalez AM, Spitz RW, Ghigiarelli JJ, Sell KM, Mangine GT.

[5] J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Apr;20(4):403-408. Beta-alanine supplementation enhances judo-related performance in highly-trained athletes. de Andrade Kratz C, de Salles Painelli V, et al. 

[6] Nutr Hosp. 2019 May 29.  Effects of acute supplementation with beta-alanine on a limited time test at maximum aerobic speed on endurance athletes. Huerta Ojeda Á, et al. 

[7] J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Dec 27;14(6):985-992.  The effects of 10 weeks of β-alanine supplementation on peak power, power drop, and lactate response in Korean national team boxers. Kim KJ, Song HS, Yoon DH, Fukuda DH, Kim SH, Park DH.

[8] Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2015 Jan;18(1):63-70.  Beta-alanine supplementation, muscle carnosine and exercise performance. Blancquaert L, Everaert I, Derave W.

[9] J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Jul;25(7):1804-15. Effects of β-alanine supplementation on performance and body composition in collegiate wrestlers and football players. Kern BD, Robinson TL.

[10] Amino Acids. 2012 Jul;43(1):25-37. Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis. Hobson RM, Saunders B, Ball G, Harris RC, Sale C.

[11] J Appl Physiol (1985). 2010 Oct;109(4):1096-101. Important role of muscle carnosine in rowing performance. Baguet A, Bourgois J, Vanhee L, Achten E, Derave W.

[12] Am J Psychiatry. 1995 May;152(5):792-4. Double-blind, controlled trial of inositol treatment of depression. Levine J, Barak Y, Gonzalves M, Szor H, Elizur A, Kofman O, Belmaker RH.

[13] Adv Nutr Res. (1982)  The nutritional significance, metabolism, and function of inositol and phosphatidylinositol in health and disease. Holub BJ

[14] Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2006 Sep-Oct;10(5):247-50. Myoinositol/folic acid combination for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetes men: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Agostini R, Rossi F, Pajalich R.